Chinese Tarot: Free Interpretation of the 22 cards
Chinese Tarot: The 22 Major Arcana Cards Meanings
Card 5
A great idea can allow the subject to transform a business and grow, to make a scientific discovery or to undertake the creation of a work. This card helps inventors, creators, or artists.
Against: the work or the matter is trivial, dull, or lifeless. It must be given a new impetus.
Great happiness, romantic enlightenment, the discovery of another, a mystical union, or seventh heaven. It appears to be and encounter with a being of light. The subject will be at the same level at the other, or else will the union be platonic.
Regeneration. This card is a good sign. The topic shines. It emerges from a powerful magnetism, an extraordinary aura.
It is enlightenment or sudden awareness. The specified path leads to enlightenment. Initiations, meditations, retirement, awakening of the kundalini.