Chinese Tarot Card 10 DESTINY

Chinese Tarot: Free Interpretation of the 22 cards

Chinese Tarot: The 22 Major Arcana Cards Meanings

Chinese Tarot DESTINY Image

Card 10



Affairs of the subject turn out well. His work is profitable. It easily provides for the future, anticipating the reactions of others and acts accordingly. He is extremely creative. The card is favorable to the professional success of the topic. In the short term, the card announces a success.


Anything related to the imagination and visual aesthetics: filmmaker, writer, photographer and painter; as well as everything related to movement: dance, illusionism, astrology, futurology.

Love - Relations

The subject is very idealistic. He dreams of a partner with all attractive virtues. Even if the card is associated with a favorable card, it may be a premonition about a meeting.


This card indicates satisfactory health and the ability to turn the corner in case of illness. Against: it can also indicate the importance of not abusing one’s health.


The specified path is astrology, meditation, the visualization. The subject is already advanced in the process, or will move shortly. There is premeditation to a beautiful Spiritual Path.

Click on the number of a card to know its meaning

01   02   03   04  


05   06   07   08  


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17   18   19   20  


21   22  


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