Guanyin Lot 86 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book

Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination
The 15 Celestial Meanings

The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this Guanyin lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination.

July 27, 2024

Your Lot number is: 86

诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese

春来花发映阳台 万里车来进宝财
若得禹门三级浪 恰如平地一声雷

The global interpretation for this lot


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text

Spring flowers glow with brightness on your balcony. The chariots come, bring loads of treasure. How swift a rise is yours to the highest? A clap of thunder brings the world to heel. To receive an appointment from the emperor is like a beggar suddenly made a millionaire. As this special lot is a matchless offer. You shall obtain all you want with none to share.

2. The Meaning

The scene describes a person going to court for an audience with the emperor. Everything is auspicious and works out for the best. This lot is indeed the best of all. In a few words, you may have whatever you wish and everything points to blessing and good fortune.

3. The Celestial Meanings

The interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life.

1. 家宅 Homestead:  Home is happy.

2. 自身 Self:  Own good luck.

3. 求财 Wealth:  Seeking wealth.

4. 交易 Deal:  Transaction will be good in the spring

5. 婚姻 Marriage:  Marriage is made.

6. 六甲 Birth:  Pregnancy pleasant.

7. 行人 Traveler:  Good news for pedestrians.

8. 田蚕 Sericulture:  The silkworms are profitable.

9. 六畜 Husbandry:  Six animals are prosperous.

10. 寻人 Missing:  Missing are back.

11. 公讼 Lawsuits:  Public litigation wins.

12. 移徙 Migration:  The shift can be.

13. 失物 Lost:  Lost property.

14. 疾病 Sickness:  Disease safety.

15. 山坟 Graves:  Mountain grave lucky.

Click on a number to see the lot celestial meanings

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