Guanyin Lot 42 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book

Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination
The 15 Celestial Meanings

The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this Guanyin lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination.

February 19, 2025

Your Lot number is: 42

诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese

君皇圣后终为恩 复待祈禳无损增
一切有情皆受用 人间天上得期亨

The global interpretation for this lot


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text

From kings and queens is blessing received. All honors saved and no faults laid. So you are blessed with Heavens’ grace and favor. While still on earth, you seem to repose in paradise.

2. The Meaning

This lot describes a man who is privileged to receive gifts and favors from heaven. It is of course an omen of good luck and achievement. Never forget such a favor from heaven and remember your obligation to god. So, to show your gratitude towards the almighty, you should offer incense day and night. Your family will be safe, but you can be sure of your own only in winter. Business deals are promising but you may not become rich. Matchmaking will reach final agreement and pregnancy will run its full course. Harmful insects like worms and hairy caterpillar will prey on your paddy fields. Livestock will not be hurt and will bring you profit. The expected visitor is on the way and the missing will be found. All attempts to find lost items will be in vain. Lawsuits will be favorable. Do not contemplate migration. The sick will be cured. No harm comes to ancestral graves.

3. The Celestial Meanings

The interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life.

1. 家宅 Homestead:  Family house prays for blessings.

2. 自身 Self:  Oneself auspicious.

3. 求财 Wealth:  Asking for money is not there.

4. 交易 Deal:  Transaction concluded.

5. 婚姻 Marriage:  Lucky in marriage.

6. 六甲 Birth:  Pregnancy is safe.

7. 行人 Traveler:  Pedestrians move.

8. 田蚕 Sericulture:  Silkworms average.

9. 六畜 Husbandry:  Six animals are flat.

10. 寻人 Missing:  See you missing.

11. 公讼 Lawsuits:  Public litigation wins.

12. 移徙 Migration:  Migration is conservative.

13. 失物 Lost:  Lost and empty.

14. 疾病 Sickness:  Disease solution.

15. 山坟 Graves:  Mountain grave safety.

Click on a number to see the lot celestial meanings

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