Guanyin Lot 56 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book

Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination
The 15 Celestial Meanings

The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this Guanyin lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination.

February 19, 2025

Your Lot number is: 56

诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese

滩小石溪流水响 风清明月贵人忙
路须借问何方去 莫取林中花草香

The global interpretation for this lot


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text

On a rocky stream runs bubbling and shallow water. The men of state enjoy the breeze and silvery moonlight. Seek out the way that marks your destiny. The scent and sight of flowers should no distraction be. A man puts all his energies on the project. But achieves nothing no matter how hard he tries. So the best policy for him is to wait and see. In the end, things may turn out well for him.

2. The Meaning

This describes a scene of sailing along a rapid stream. It illustrates that great deeds can be accomplished only with strenuous effort. Both of you and your family will have a peaceful year. Prospects of business dealing and making money are not bad. Matrimony will be successful and after your marriage, your wife will have a baby son. A visitor will soon arrive. Your cattle will suffer damage but prospects for farming and raising silkworm are good. The missing will be found. Going to law, you will succeed. Change of residence is recommended. Things lost will be found and the sick will soon recover. For the sake of your safety, you should have your ancestral tomb repaired.

3. The Celestial Meanings

The interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life.

1. 家宅 Homestead:  The home is safe.

2. 自身 Self:  Own auspicious.

3. 求财 Wealth:  Seeking wealth and peace.

4. 交易 Deal:  Trading profit.

5. 婚姻 Marriage:  Mariage succeeds.

6. 六甲 Birth:  Pregnant with a boy.

7. 行人 Traveler:  Pedestrians arrive.

8. 田蚕 Sericulture:  The silkworm autumn benefits.

9. 六畜 Husbandry:  Six animals damage.

10. 寻人 Missing:  People are missing.

11. 公讼 Lawsuits:  Public litigation is justified.

12. 移徙 Migration:  Migrating is auspicious.

13. 失物 Lost:  Lost item belt.

14. 疾病 Sickness:  The disease is safe.

15. 山坟 Graves:  Mountain graves should be repaired.

Click on a number to see the lot celestial meanings

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