Guanyin Lot 18 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book

Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination
The 15 Celestial Meanings

The Celestial Meanings present the interpretation for this Guanyin lot of 15 different aspects of your life from the Guan Yin's Fortune Teller Book of Divination.

February 19, 2025

Your Lot number is: 18

诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese

金乌西坠兔东升 日夜循环至古今
僧道得知无不利 士农工商各从心

The global interpretation for this lot


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text

Good old number for today
Games of chance are sure to pay.

2. The Meaning

Far in the horizon, the crow (sun) falls, the rabbit (moon) rises. Day and night succeed each other since the world began, Believe in Buddha and the Tao, all is wisdom. Be you scholar or peasant, worker or merchant.

3. The Celestial Meanings

The interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life.

1. 家宅 Homestead:  The home is safe.

2. 自身 Self:  Own auspicious.

3. 求财 Wealth:  Begging for money.

4. 交易 Deal:  Transaction concluded.

5. 婚姻 Marriage:  Marriage together.

6. 六甲 Birth:  Pregnant with a boy.

7. 行人 Traveler:  Pedestrians arrive.

8. 田蚕 Sericulture:  The silkworm grows early.

9. 六畜 Husbandry:  Six animals are not profitable.

10. 寻人 Missing:  People are missing.

11. 公讼 Lawsuits:  Public litigation is justified.

12. 移徙 Migration:  Migrating is auspicious.

13. 失物 Lost:  See you late.

14. 疾病 Sickness:  Illness pays off.

15. 山坟 Graves:  The tomb is auspicious.

Click on a number to see the lot celestial meanings

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