Mahjong Readings: 144 Tiles Symbolism

The 144 Mahjong Tiles Symbolism

Mahjong Oracle Fortune Telling

Mahjong Chinese Symbolism of the 144 Tiles 

36 Bamboos, 36 Circles, 36 Caracters
16 Simple Honors, 12 Superior Honors,
8 Supreme Honors

West Wind Metal

West Wind

Symbol: Metal

The West Wind tile represents an obstacle that must be faced before you can make progress towards your goals. This obstacle may be anything from a person to needing to find work.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation 

Click on a tile to see its symbolism. 

The 36 Bambos represent Axis of the Earth
4 suites of 9 bamboos. 


36 Points or Circles represent the Wheel of Heaven
4 suites of 9 points. 


The 36 Characters represent the changes of the life of Man
4 suites of 9 caracters.


16 Simple Honors,
4 times 4 Directions or Winds. 


12 Superior Honors,
4 times 3 Dragons. 


8 Supreme Honors,
4 Flowers, 


4 Seasons. 


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