Mahjong Readings: 144 Tiles Symbolism

The 144 Mahjong Tiles Symbolism

Mahjong Oracle Fortune Telling

Mahjong Chinese Symbolism of the 144 Tiles 

36 Bamboos, 36 Circles, 36 Caracters
16 Simple Honors, 12 Superior Honors,
8 Supreme Honors

Wan 8 Knot

Wan 8

Symbol: Knot

The Knot tile represents both bonding and severing. If the Sword tile (2 Wan) is in your reading then the time to sever ties with someone or something is at hand. Conversely if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in your reading then there is bond that will strengthen. If both or neither appear in your reading, then you have a relationship of some kind that is of undecided value.

Chinese Symbol and Pinyin Pronunciation 

Click on a tile to see its symbolism. 

The 36 Bambos represent Axis of the Earth
4 suites of 9 bamboos. 


36 Points or Circles represent the Wheel of Heaven
4 suites of 9 points. 


The 36 Characters represent the changes of the life of Man
4 suites of 9 caracters.


16 Simple Honors,
4 times 4 Directions or Winds. 


12 Superior Honors,
4 times 3 Dragons. 


8 Supreme Honors,
4 Flowers, 


4 Seasons. 


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