Mahjong Books

Mahjong Books - page 3

Mahjong bibliography
( Ma-ch'iau, Ma ch'ueh, Ma cheuck, Ma chiang, Ma jong, Ma-jung, Maajh, Mah-jong, Majong, Majan Majiang, Mah-jongg, Mahjongg, Mahjuck, Man-chu, Pung chow, Sparrow )


Pai, Chung-fa, Ma chiang chan shu yun yung mi chueh.
[1980?] 5, 146 p. ; 19 cm.

Pai, Chung-fa, Shih liu p'ai ma ch'ueh pi sheng chan fa.
[1978] 10, 219 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.

Robertson, Marian, Mah john score book, with rules and definitions.
New York, N.Y., Wilmerding & Wilmerding [c1924] [124] p. 20 cm.

Rosenblatt, Martin Stern, Majong (the game of sparrow)
San Francisco, S. & G. Gump co. [c1922] 12 p. illus. 14 x 11 cm.

Sang, Ly Yu, Sparrow: the Chinese game called ma-ch'iau; a descriptive and explanatory story,
New York, N.Y., The Long Sang Ti Chinese curios co., inc. [c1923] xiii, 128 p. col. front., illus. 20 cm.

Sang, M. Ho, Mah jongg, the ancient game of China.
New York, Long Sang Ti Chinese curious co., inc. [c1922] 34 p., 1 l. 21 cm.

Scott, Vern E., Official rules for pe-ling as played with cards,
San Francisco, The Greeley corporation, c1923. 16 p. plates. 9 cm.

Scott, Vern E., Official rules for pe-ling,
San Francisco, The Greeley corporation, c1923. 15 p. illus. 17 cm.

Shiu, Priscilla, The mystic mah-jongg game [1st ed].
New York, Exposition Press [1973] 64 p. illus. 22 cm.

Snyder, Henry M., The ma-jung manual,
Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1923. x, [1], 130, [1] p. front., illus., plates. 20 cm.

Snyder, Henry M., The ma-jung manual, Rev. ed.
Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1924. xiii, [1], 209, [1] p. front., illus., plates. 20 cm.

Strauser, Kitty, Mah jong, anyone? A manual of modern play, [1st ed].
Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1964] 59 p. illus. (part col.) 19 cm.

Sterling, Harold, Standard rules and instructions for the Chinese game of mah chang (sparrow) 3d ed.
Albany, N.Y., Oriental arts co., printers, c1923. 2 p.l., 21 p. illus. 21 cm.

Tow, Julius Su, The outline of mah jong; how to play and how to win, the real Chinese methods,
New York, Printed by The Pacific printing co., inc., c1924. 64 p. illus. 16 cm.

Trenhaile, John, The mah-jongg spies
New York : Dutton, c1986. xiii, 434 p. ; 24 cm.
Code: PR6070.R367M34 1986

Trenhaile, John, The gates of exquisite view
New York : Dutton, 1988. viii, 374 p. ; 25 cm. Code: PR6070.R367G3 1988
Note: Sequel to The mah-jongg spies.

Thompson, Patricia A., The game of mah jong, illustrated. .
Ishi Press, 1990. 64 p. : ill. ; 18 x 24 cm.

Thompson, Patricia A., Improve your mah jong.
Ishi Press. 63 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Unknown, Chinese sparrow game,
Boston, Mass., Chinese mah jongg company [1923] 2 p. l., 12 p. illus. 15 cm.

Walters, Derek, The fortune teller's mah jongg : the ancient game as a modern oracle ,
New York, N.Y. : Viking Studio Books, 1994. 103, [1] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. + 144 cards (col. : 9 x 5 cm.)
Code: BF1891.M33 W34 1994

Walters, Derek, Fortune-telling by mah jongg : a practical guide to divination using the ancient Chinese game of mah jongg ,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire : Aquarian Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by Sterling Pub. Co., 1987, c1982. 192 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Code: BF1891.M33 W35 1987

Wang, Su-hsin, Tu kuo ch'un ch'iu.
Orien China [1972] 3, 220 p. 19 cm.
Code: HV6710 .W36

Warren, Emily Stanley, "Mrs. Prescott Warren," The game of ma chiang,
New York, Y. Crowell company, c1924. x, 402 p. incl. front., illus. 21 cm.

Wei, Wing Lock, The theory of mah jong, its principles, psychology, tactics, strategies, and fine points, including the complete Chinese rules of play,
Boston, Small, Maynard & company [c1925] viii, 76 p. illus. 20 cm.

Whitney, Eleanor Noss, A mah jong handbook; how to play, score, and win the modern game [1st ed].,
Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1964] 176 p. illus. 22 cm.

Wilcox, Constance Grenelle, Mah-jongg; the play of one hundred intelligences, in a prologue and one act, Boston, C. C. Birchard & company [c1923] 75, [1] p. plates. 21 cm.
Code: PS3545.I325 M3 1923

Winters, Edgar S., Ma cheuk (also called "mah jong", "pung chow" and "ma jung")
New York, E. P. Dutton & company [c1923] 161 p. incl. front., illus. 20 cm.

Work, Milton Cooper, Mah-jongg ... up-to-date,
Philadelphia, Chicago [etc.] The John C. Winston company [c1924] 177 p. front. (5 port.) illus. 19 cm.

Wu, Ch'ung, An advanced system for playing mah jong.
Philadelphia, Dorrance [1973] xi, 201 p. illus. 22 cm.

Wu, Ch'ung, Ma ch'ueh kai lun.
Orien China [1965] 9, 60 p. illus. 21 cm.