What is dominonancy or Domino fortune telling?
The dominonancy is the method of divining the future using Dominos. Through the centuries, dominoes have been and they are still used by the fortunetellers of many cultures as a powerful tool to predict the future.
Are dominoes a Chinese invention?
Domino is one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. Long before domino won popularity as a game, the Chinese were using dominoes to predict the future.
What is the link between dominoes and dice?
Dominoes represent all the combinations that can be obtained when rolling two dice. There are 21 possible combinations, and an empty domino is added to complete the series of 22 unique dominoes.
Which is the meaning of the Domino readings?
Interpretations vary greatly from culture to another. Some seers look little, but see disastrous consequences, while others see nothing, but good. Our Dominoes Oracle leans strongly toward the positive side of things. Where others might predict disasters, our focuses on action and change. In short, the objective is to empower users, they will not lay them in stagnation.