
Your Shared Path Two / One
This can reflect potentials that are spiritual or material or both. Regardless of what aspect(s) of your life it is referring to, it denotes a time of unification. Possibly your spiritual and material selves are becoming a stronger singular force, or possibly the bond between you and a partner is strengthening. New insights will emerge. Your life will become richer.

Your Path's Goal Two / Two
Successful new unions and the strengthening of established unions are in your immediate future. These unions may be secular or spiritual or both. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values.

Their Path's Goal Four / Four
Trust your own feelings, thoughts and drives over those of the people around you. Only you are capable of deciding the proper path for you.

That Which Will Influence You Four / One
Your spiritual and physical self may be out-of-balance at this time. While the journey may be arduous at times, the opportunity for you to bring these two important aspects of your being into a harmonious state is before you.

That Which Will Influence Them Blank / Six
You now have the opportunity to gain materially. New ventures will come your way. To do well you will have to decide which of these new ventures best suits your ambitions for the future.

That Which Influences You Five / Four
Now is a time for you to act on the basis of clear thought and analysis. Weigh all your choices before making any decisions. Seek solutions to your problems through logic and not emotion. To act on impulse may be very harmful to your future.

That Which Influences Them Two / Six
You are at a stage in which the potential for personal growth is almost unlimited. Look inward for your answers. You know what is right for you and those around you. You know what you need to elevate your happiness. Muster the courage to go after it.

Your Past Influence Blank / Five
Now is a time to strengthen your family ties. You may want to consider having a child. Much of your energy should be devoted to your family.

Their Past Influence Four / Blank
You are obligated to reach a compromise to find a good understanding with someone. Some delays will make you feel a little frustrated. It is not a good time for finances and prudence is the best weapon.