Domino Year Ahead Reading

Domino Year Ahead Reading

Your Year Ahead Reading
The dominomancy is the method of divining the future using Dominos.

Your Year Ahead Reading

This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life from month to month over the next year. In this Domino reading may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the same Domino tile reflects the primary influences of many months in your coming year will be under.
Scroll down to see the influences each Domino tile predicts.













Five / Four

Now is a time for you to act on the basis of clear thought and analysis. Weigh all your choices before making any decisions. Seek solutions to your problems through logic and not emotion. To act on impulse may be very harmful to your future.

Three / Six

Allow your feelings and passions to steer you toward the proper path for you. Do not allow your emotions to take a back seat to your intellect. Explore your deepest feelings about every aspect of your life and act to ease any negative feelings you have.

Two / Two

Successful new unions and the strengthening of established unions are in your immediate future. These unions may be secular or spiritual or both. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values.

Five / Five

You are in a place where can discover new aspects about you and the world you live in. Open up your spirit to new ways of seeing things and act based upon the new knowledge you will soon gain.

Five / Three

It is time to vent your anger and frustration. Continuing to repress these feelings can be detrimental to your health. Find a way to release your negative energy without harming others. Confront those who you have differences with and settle them.

Five / Blank

You to should think about it a thousand times before speaking, open or say what you think. It can also announce a period of crisis or moral depression. You must seek advice in qualified people before making a decision. You can take training that will be very useful. Someone next to you will need your help and your advice.

Blank / Blank

You are standing before a blank canvas and have the freedom to choose how you fill it. New powers and energies will be available to you--if you are open to them. Good or bad, your choices will determine your future.

Four / One

Your spiritual and physical self may be out-of-balance at this time. While the journey may be arduous at times, the opportunity for you to bring these two important aspects of your being into a harmonious state is before you.

Three / Three

That which has confused you will soon become clear. Your ability to think lucidly is at or near its zenith. Solutions to lingering problems will soon be obvious to you.

Blank / Five

Now is a time to strengthen your family ties. You may want to consider having a child. Much of your energy should be devoted to your family.

Blank / Three

The opportunity to strengthen your spiritual self is before you. These moments are very rare in one's life, so it would behoove you to take advantage of this one.

Four / Blank

You are obligated to reach a compromise to find a good understanding with someone. Some delays will make you feel a little frustrated. It is not a good time for finances and prudence is the best weapon.

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