April Five / Six
Your troubles will soon wane. You will know true peace and harmony on both the spiritual and physical plane. Happiness and satisfaction will be yours.

May Blank / One
A new life's path is unfolding before you. Opportunities abound. You will do well if you have the courage to move down this new path, and do not stray from acting morally.

June Blank / One
A new life's path is unfolding before you. Opportunities abound. You will do well if you have the courage to move down this new path, and do not stray from acting morally.

July Five / Five
You are in a place where can discover new aspects about you and the world you live in. Open up your spirit to new ways of seeing things and act based upon the new knowledge you will soon gain.

August Five / Blank
You to should think about it a thousand times before speaking, open or say what you think. It can also announce a period of crisis or moral depression. You must seek advice in qualified people before making a decision. You can take training that will be very useful. Someone next to you will need your help and your advice.

September Five / Blank
You to should think about it a thousand times before speaking, open or say what you think. It can also announce a period of crisis or moral depression. You must seek advice in qualified people before making a decision. You can take training that will be very useful. Someone next to you will need your help and your advice.

October Blank / One
A new life's path is unfolding before you. Opportunities abound. You will do well if you have the courage to move down this new path, and do not stray from acting morally.

November Blank / Blank
You are standing before a blank canvas and have the freedom to choose how you fill it. New powers and energies will be available to you--if you are open to them. Good or bad, your choices will determine your future.

December Three / Blank
You will probably have difficulties and problems in family life, especially with the closest ones, but also in the social and public life. Take care about problems in your relationships with others as a result of lack of communication and misunderstandings.

January Blank / Three
The opportunity to strengthen your spiritual self is before you. These moments are very rare in one's life, so it would behoove you to take advantage of this one.

February Three / Two
Your livelihood or work appears to lack orderliness. This makes it difficult for you to move ahead or find purpose in your work. Now is a good time for you to organize your work place and develop new strategies for managing the tasks before you.

March Six / Six
The Double Six is the grandest of Dominos. It denotes success, fulfillment and happiness on a grand scale. New paths will open for you, and you are spiritually and intellectually ready to take them.