Free Domino Reading: Attaining Your Goals

How should I use this reading about my goals for the future?

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.

Attaining Your Goals Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.


Issues to Address


Issues to Address

Primary Strength

Primary Weakness


Your Current State




Blank / Two

New friendships and opportunities will soon be yours. It is possible you will meet a new love, or the love you already have will deepen. However you must be open to change and have the courage to act.



Issues to Address


Three / Three

That which has confused you will soon become clear. Your ability to think lucidly is at or near its zenith. Solutions to lingering problems will soon be obvious to you.





Three / One

Your spiritual self can move to new heights, strengths, and understanding if you allow it to. Now is a good time for you to devote a portion of your energy to better understanding your relationship with the universe and your God.



Issues to Address


Five / Three

It is time to vent your anger and frustration. Continuing to repress these feelings can be detrimental to your health. Find a way to release your negative energy without harming others. Confront those who you have differences with and settle them.



Primary Strength


Four / Six

Remember that you will reap what you sow. Do not allow yourself to become greedy or totally absorbed in yourself. To do so will leave you isolated and unhappy.



Primary Weakness


Five / Two

Look to your inner-self for direction. It is in your dreams and fantasies that you will find the right path for you.



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