Chinese New Year 2024 Cantonese Greetings, Wishes

How to wish Happy New Year in Cantonese?

Cantonese New Year Greetings 2024


The most popular Cantonese Greetings for Chinese New Year.
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Cantonese Greetings and Sayings for the Chinese New Year.

  • Chinese New Year 2024 - Green Wood Dragon

God of Happiness and Good Luck
The Fu star is generally depicted in scholar's dress, holding a scroll.


God of Prosperity
The Lu star is usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin.

God of Longevity
Shou Star is usually seen holding the Peach of Immortality, and carrying a peach wood staff.

Fu Xing is a star that the ancient Chinese thought was in charge of agriculture in China. Today, Fu Xing is generally shown as a court official with a characteristically "winged" hat, and often with a scepter in his hand.

The Lu star is believed to be Zhang Xian who lived during the Later Shu dynasty. The word "luk" specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Lu star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence.

This character Shou represents 'long life'. According to Chinese folklore, Longevity is described as wise, knowledgeable and capable of ruling the world. During festivals, a Chinese family normally worships the symbols or pictures of Longevity to express gratitude for granting the elders in the family a long life. This Shou statue will bring you a 'long and fruitful life'.


Happiness - Prosperity - Longevity


fuk1 luk6 sau6

Congratulating you and good wealth
(Bless happiness and prosperity)


gung1 hei2 faat3 coi4

Happy New Year


san1 nin4 faai3 lok6

May all the riches come to you


sam1 soeng2 si6 sing4

Whishing you good health


san1 tai2 gin6 hong1

Having the strengh of the Dragon and energy of the Horse


lung4 maa5 zing1 san4

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