Guanyin 33 Manifestations:
Guanyin of Fearlessness

21. Guanyin of Fearlessness
Homage with image, text and voice.

21. Guanyin of Fearlessness

Nāmó āmótí guānyīn

Homage to Guanyin of Fearlessness

Listen to this Guan Yin Homage in Chinese:

"If there are those that can be liberated by Vaisravana, the Bodhisattva will appear in this form to teach them the dharma."

Who appears as 毗沙门身 ( pí shāmén shēn ) celestial king Vaisravana.

This form is the same as the four armed Amate Avalokitesvara of the Garbhakosa.

She is sitting on a rock with both hands placed on the raised left knee, gazing out at sea.

This form is venerated for its ability to bestow fearlessness towards all sentient beings.