Chinese Tarot - Free Readings - Past, Present and Future

Chinese Tarot Golden Tarot Free Reading

About your past, your present and your future situations

The Moon represent the past, the Sun the present and the Star the future
Free Divination Reading
A modern Tarot based on old Chinese Dao De Jing and the Yijing with beautiful cards.

The three cards represent your past, present and future.

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Your Past


Card 7

Business-Money for your past:

The card announces a near success. A success, some honors, a reward. A victory against an opponent or a competitor. The subject became the best in his field. A victory in a championship, or a contest in an election. Generally speaking, victory against adversity.
Against: the subject is going to be defeated by one stronger than him.

Love - Relations for your past:

Romantic victory, the subject managed to overcome the reluctance of those who oppose his happiness, to overthrow any circumstantial obstacles.
Against: the subject is dominated by her partner or must give way to a competitor.

Health for your past:

Powerful dynamism, beating illness or fatigue.
Against: the disease wins the field, or medical defeat.

Spirituality for your past:

The card announces a victory to the subject over himself, or the passage to a higher level in an initiatory organization. The subject overcame the darkness of ignorance. The specified path is of knowledge, the study of the sacred texts or meditation, or even traditional martial arts.

Your Present

Card 14

Business-Money for your present:

The card is auspicious. It announces a great balance; material or intellectual wealth; a fair and balanced way to work or create. The subject has his feet on earth and knows how to use his imagination. He is diplomatic and knows how to use his gifts of communication and charm to succeed. Perhaps there is a slight readjustment required. But things are going well.

Love - Relations for your present:

The subject is flexible and easygoing. He has a sense of balance and moderation. Relationships with others are courteous and easy. He is rarely alone. His union is balanced and smooth. Only a slight possible modification is within the couple is called for. The card can also indicate a search for balance.
Against: imbalance.

Health for your present:

The card is a very good sign. It shows a good balance between energies that circulate smoothly. The subject eats with intelligence, his diet is balanced. He is also careful to maintain this balance.

Spirituality for your present:

The specified path is not a path of asceticism, but the right middle. The subject is not far from finding peace.

Your Future

Card 9

Business-Money for your future:

Auspicious: the card shows a wise and intelligent management of affairs and budget. The subject is considered a valuable advisor. One may consult him often, but perhaps he is sometimes too prudent.
Against: the subject is not reasonable. The card announces an administrative mess or financial risk. It indicates that the subject would do well to use a management consultant, or consult one wiser than him.

Love - Relations for your future:

In the sentimental field, the subject is prudent and wise. He will not engage lightly. He needs to build a relation on an intelligent basis. It can be a guide for the one with which he built his life. He is however rather off, it does not run after the conquests.

Health: for your future:

The subject manages his health capital with wisdom and moderation. His health is good. In case of a problem, the card shows that a solution will be found through a master, a doctor, or an outstanding surgeon.

Spirituality for your future:

The subject is already very spiritually advanced.
Auspicious: he is already a master, or he will be early or late.
Against: he seeks a master and is going to find one. The specified path is of solitude or retirement.