Chinese Tarot - Free Readings - Past, Present and Future

Chinese Tarot Golden Tarot Free Reading

About your past, your present and your future situations

The Moon represent the past, the Sun the present and the Star the future
Free Divination Reading
A modern Tarot based on old Chinese Dao De Jing and the Yijing with beautiful cards.

The three cards represent your past, present and future.

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Your Past


Card 13

Business-Money for your past:

The card announces the total overthrow of a situation, an opposite way of seeing things. The subject is a total reshuffle of his case or his work. It puts an end to a situation that cannot continue and start over in another direction.

Love - Relations for your past:

The card announces a radical change in circumstances. The reports are reversed. It can also announce the end of an affair or its deep transformation. The situation comes to a point of no return.

Health for your past:

Depending on the context, the card announces death, deaths or regeneration.

Spirituality for your past:

The card announces an initiatory death. A profound transformation at the spiritual level. The end of illusions or biases. A renaissance on a different plane of consciousness.

Your Present

Card 8

Business-Money for your present:

The card shows that the subject thinks he has been the victim of an injustice or has been looted in his property. It brings the case before the courts.
Against: someone complains to the subject, the case goes to court. A trial disrupts the business of the subject. There may be a settlement.

Love - Relations for your present:

The card announces a conflict that cannot be resolved without the help of a third party, or even without the courts. The subject may lodge a complaint. The card may also announce a divorce.
Against: it is the romantic partner of the subject, or the spouse seeking justice.

Health for your present:

The card announces an obligation to undergo medical tests. It can also indicate waiting for a diagnosis or medical decision. In some cases, the card announces that the subject will have to file a complaint against the doctor or the hospital in which he was treated.

Spirituality for your present:

Path dedicated to the defence of the oppressed, Amnesty International, the Human Rights League.

Your Future

Card 19

Business-Money for your future:

The card announces a brilliant accomplishment or success. The subject's businesses are radiant. His work is known and appreciated. The subject may achieve fame. The card can also indicate a professional association, or even announce a connection to his love life. The subject could work with his love partner.

Love - Relations for your future:

This card announces a union or a marriage. It is the best card in the game for romantic happiness. It indicates a perfect union, successful on all levels: physical, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual.

Health: for your future:

The card announces vibrant health, a perfect balance. The subject, or the person concerned, radiates and gives off an intense magnetism.

Spirituality for your future:

The subject is near fullness. It is the union of the individual soul with the cosmic consciousness. It's enlightenment, samadhi.