Your Guanyin Oracle Selected Lot 27

Your hand-picked or randomly selected fortune lot!

Your Selected Lot

July 27, 2024

Your Lot number is: 27

The Slip of your selected lot

诗曰 [ 詩曰 ] The poem into Chinese

一谋一用一番书 虑后思前不敢为
时到贵人相助力 如山墙立可安居

The global interpretation for this lot


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text

Your plans are drawn up with care but fear and hesitation prevent you from putting them into effect. When the time matures, there’ll come your noble patron who will assist you to put up a comfortable home.

2. The Meaning

In the scene, strong fences guard a secure and peaceful residence, so you may enjoy peace of life without risk. Let old things be converted into new ones. Like spring providing warmth to flowers suffering from winter cold. The former days of sorrow are past and you should be as relaxed as you can. Both of you and your family will enjoy safety. Wealth can be made but only with difficulties. Marriage outlook is not promising. Your wife will have a baby girl. Raising deluxe and farming are all profitable. Travelers will be delayed and the missing can only be found late in the year. There is no clue to the whereabouts of lost things. In lawsuits, better look for a peaceful compromise. Migration or move is recommended. Sickness is prolonged but will be cured in the end. Don’t make any change in your ancestral graves.

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