Guan Yin Oracle 100 lots for your Past Present and Future

Guanyin - Kuan Yin Oracle Past Present Future!

Your Past Present Future Guan Yin Oracle's Lot

The three lots in this reading represent
your past, present and future situations.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Lot.

The Guanyin Lot for Your Past

Your Lot number is: 5

The Slip for your past

The global interpretation for your past lot is:


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text for your past

Dig deep in the ground in search for water. With pain and hardship you must fight your way through. Then all of a sudden you meet an old friend who brings you up to the blue sky of heaven.

2. The Meaning for your past

A man digs the field in the hope of finding water. After mush hardship, you will find that the thing you want can be obtained with ease. What you seek can be found in the west. Everything will be at hand as long as you do not move. For the safety of your family, you must rely on prayer but you personally will be safe. Business contracts and marriage arranges can be worked out. Pregnancy will come to no harm, you should start farming and silk-making early but you may incur losses in raising cattle. Visitors arrive late. The missing man will be found. Anything lost cannot be recovered. You had better settle lawsuits peacefully. House removal is favorable. The only hope for patients is prayer, but no harm will come to your ancestral graves.

The Guanyin Lot for Your Present

Your Lot number is: 84

The Slip for your present

The global interpretation for your present lot is:


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text for your present

Virtues spoiled by evil deeds. The depraved and the evil must repay so high a price. The drunkard, drowned in wine knows nowhere to go. All at a loss, he is so pitiful. Like a chilly fish isolated from water. A situation for people to gossip and murmur. If you want my advice, make no move to avoid being caught.

2. The Meaning for your present

This depicts the scene of a chilly fish isolated from water; such a miserable situation indicates that one should remain calm and take no immediate action in times of woe. Everything is unfavorable and pregnancy may bring disaster. In a word, take precautions against misfortune.

The Guanyin Lot for Your Future

Your Lot number is: 55

The Slip for your future

The global interpretation for your future lot is:


1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text for your future

To a good father will come so many sons. Their food, their clothing, the heaven will provide. My parents live and prosper in health. Let them eat and drink and sleep just as they choose. As bamboo poles standing in line lead to a large spring. Generations after generations prosper and move on. As long as a man remains gentle and virtuous, whatever he wishes will come to hand.

2. The Meaning for your future

The scene depicts a pile of bamboo leading towards a stream. A man’s hope and aspiration will be realized at the final stage. If and when you and your family are safe, you must make offerings to god. You may make profits from business transactions. Matrimonial affairs will come to a success conclusion. The expected guest has started on his journey. To find the missing will be difficult. A baby will be safely born. Farming and the raising of silkworm will be profitable but harm may come to your cattle. In lawsuits, a man of power and influence will come to your rescue. Traveling is recommended and things lost will reappear. For the sick, it is wise to set up an altar to drive out the devils. Your ancestral graves will remain in peace.