Guan Yin - Kwan Yin - Kuan Shi Yin 108 Glories

There are three celebrations annually dedicated to Guan Yin among the Chinese Buddhists:

The Bodhisattva's Birthday: 19th of the second lunar month. (Thursday, March 29, 2024)

The Bodhisattva's Enlightenment Day: 19th of the sixth lunar month. (Thursday, July 25, 2024)

The Bodhisattva's Leaving Home Day: 19th of the ninth lunar month. (Tuesday, November 19, 2024)

Listen to the 108 Glories to Mother Kuan Shih Yin - Guan Yin

Guan Yin - Kuan Shi Yin - 108 Glories Online.

In popular devotion, Guanyin rescues those who come to her in times of difficulty, especially in the face of the dangers caused by water, fire or weapons. The Bodhisattva understands feelings of fear and responds to requests for help with her compassion. As a Merciful Mother, she hears the requests of those who wish to have children. The Mahakaruna Movement (The Great Compassion) has also unveiled the "108 Glories of Guanyin,” promulgated by S.G. Devadip Baghwan Singh, as an effective transformative prayer".(Source: Wikipedia)

108 Glories to Guan Shi Yin

1. Glory to Guan Shi Yin Pusa.

2. Glory to Guan Shi Yin refuge of all beings.

3. Glory to Guan Shi Yin jewel that overwhelms desires.

4. Glory to Guan Shi Yin joy of those that want to be mothers.

5. Glory to Guan Shi Yin redeemer of our karma.

6. Glory to Guan Shi Yin who releases us of the misfortune.

7. Glory to Guan Shi Yin source of health.

8. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the beloved one.

9. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the merciful one.

10. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that enlarges the love.

11. Glory to Guan Shi Yin who is eternal blessing.

12. Glory to Guan Shi Yin who removes the fear and the anguish.

13. Glory to Guan Shi Yin who receives everyone that look her refuge.

14. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that takes care of her devotes.

15. Glory to Guan Shi Yin source of love.

16. Glory to Guan Shi Yin full of auspicious attributes.

17. Glory to Guan Shi Yin for who nothing is impossible.

18. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the beauty personified.

19. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that of beautiful eyes.

20. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that is easy to find.

21. Glory to Guan Shi Yin helps of the abandoned.

22. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose name purifies when being heard.

23. Glory to Guan Shi Yin immaculate purity.

24. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose votes are liberation for her devotes.

25. Glory to Guan Shi Yin possessor of the divine glory.

26. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that loves her devotes.

27. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that destroys the griefs of her aid seekers.

28. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that frees us of the Wheel of Samsara.

29. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose face sight toward all parts.

30. Glory to Guan Shi Yin worthy of every adoration.

31. Glory to Guan Shi Yin incarnation of the truth.

32. Glory to Guan Shi Yin personification of the eternal virtue.

33. Glory to Guan Shi Yin lady of peace.

34. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is majesty and glory.

35. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is our protective mother.

36. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that lacks defects.

37. Glory to Guan Shi Yin full of miraculous powers.

38. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that dresses robes of glory.

40. Glory to Guan Shi Yin incarnation of the purity.

41. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose glory is beyond all the worlds.

42. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that shines in the mind of her devote.

43. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that resides in the heart of her faithful ones.

44. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is easy to please.

45. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is beyond all religions.

46. Glory to Guan Shi Yin who makes fructify the land.

47. Glory to Guan Shi Yin refuge of the ones that depend on the elements.

48. Glory to Guan Shi Yin queen of the southern seas.

49. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that of 33 aspects.

50. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that resides in the lands of Amitabha.

51. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that inhabits in Putuoshan.

52. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that sprinkles the holy water on the world.

53. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that produces bumper crop.

54. Glory to Guan Shi Yin for whom sources of pure water arise.

55. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that gave her eyes and her arms.

56. Glory to Guan Shi Yin to whom the celestial beings elevate to heaven.

57. Glory to Guan Shi Yin solitary dweller of the pagoda up in the hill.

58. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that arises in the middle of the flower of lotus.

59. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that possesses the pearl that provides all the goods.

60. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that of sweet face.

61. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is sure port.

62. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that is wide door.

63. Glory to Guan Shi Yin crowned of light.

64. Glory to Guan Shi Yin ascended among the masters.

65. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is carried for dragons.

66. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is firm in her votes.

67. Glory to Guan Shi Yin support of the fallen.

68. Glory to Guan Shi Yin mother of the 10.000 names.

69. Glory to Guan Shi Yin worthy of every worship.

70. Glory to Guan Shi Yin benefactor of the ones that implore her.

71. Glory to Guan Shi Yin celestial lady.

72. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that suckled the fields of rice.

73. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that placed the rock to protect to her faithful ones.

74. Glory to Guan Shi Yin sure light of the lost.

75. Glory to Guan Shi Yin giver of life to the sterile wombs.

76. Glory to Guan Shi Yin captain of the ship of the salvation.

77. Glory to Guan Shi Yin full as the full moon.

78. Glory to Guan Shi Yin fortunate and happy road.

79. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is fructification and sustain for the world.

80. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is cleaning and health in the water.

81. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is energy and light in the fire.

82. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is fragrance and coolness in the air.

83. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that´s always awake.

84. Glory to Guan Shi Yin mother of all mothers.

85. Glory to Guan Shi Yin goddess of the Tao.

86. Glory to Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva.

87. Glory to Guan Shi Yin goddess that came from Orient.

88. Glory to Guan Shi Yin conscience of compassion.

89. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is never ending mercy.

90. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose power breaks our chains.

91. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that blesses the voluntary renunciation.

92. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is tie of love among the lovers.

93. Glory to Guan Shi Yin mystic truth.

94. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is the essence of the beauty.

95. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that came to west with its faithful emigrants.

96. Glory to Guan Shi Yin whose love never fails.

97. Glory to Guan Shi Yin transcendental happiness.

98. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that is the ornament of the pure soul.

99. Glory to Guan Shi Yin the one that transforms the crying in laughter.

100. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that changes the moans in music.

101. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that puts peace in the despair.

102. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that glows in the darkness.

103. Glory to Guan Shi Yin recover of the lost.

104. Glory to Guan Shi Yin that cures the hopeless one.

105. Glory to Guan Shi Yin lady of the Violet flame.

106. Glory to Guan Shi Yin my beloved goddess.

107. Glory to Guan Shi Yin to whose lotus feet I prostrate.

108. Glory to Guan Shi Yin Pusa who hears the crying of the world.