Guanyin 33 Manifestations:
Guanyin in a Clam

25. Guanyin in a Clam
Homage with image, text and voice.

25. Guanyin in a Clam

Nāmó gélí guānyīn

Homage to Guanyin in a Clam

Listen to this Guan Yin Homage in Chinese:

"If there are those that can be liberated by a Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva will appear as herself to teach them the dharma."

Who appears as a 菩萨身 ( púsà shēn ) Bodhisattva.

This form seats in meditation in a giant clam.

This form originated from the legends among China's coastal fishermen, and is venerated by them for its ability to protect them on their fishing trips out to sea.