12 Chinese Zodiac Signs Description

Description of the Sign or Animal Symbol you selected!

rat.gif ox.gif tiger.gif rabbit.gif

> Rat

> Ox

> Tiger

> Rabbit

dragon.gif snake.gif horse.gif goat.gif

> Dragon

> Snake

> Horse

> Goat

monkey.gif rooster.gif dog.gif pig.gif

> Monkey

> Rooster

> Dog

> Pig

The Sign You Choose in the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Sign  More About The TIGER

Assertive, Adventurous, Independent, Inventive, Generous, Restless and Impulsive.

Sign Image

Charismatic and self-assured, Tigers were born to lead. This gives them an air of authority most find hard to resist. They are charming and fun, yet never lose sight or stop pursuing their goals or relinquish control.
The Tigers' courage is without limit and they rarely lose a fight regardless of the arena. The Tiger is the king of seduction. They are dignified and affectionate. The primal nature of their being makes them very attractive to almost all.
Tigers are moody and can strike at those around them without warning. A Tiger's feelings run deep and are extraordinarily intense. They do not handle stress well and can be overly emotional. An angry Tiger is something to fear.
Tigers are often excessive in their behavior and a little moderation could go a long way in making them happier. When Tigers remain centered and focus their energy on worthy pursuits they will achieve great things.

Famous TIGERS Include:

Sir David Attenborough, Tom Berenger, Agatha Christie, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Dickinson, Isadora Duncan, Roberta Flack, Frederick Forsyth, Jodie Foster, Sir Alec Guiness, Hugh Hefner, William Hurt, Marilyn Monroe, Demi Moore, Beatrix Potter, Diana Rigg, Lionel Ritchie, Kenny Rogers, Dylan Thomas, H.G. Wells, Stevie Wonder, Natalie Wood.

Ideal Jobs Include:

Entrepreneur, Military officer, Politician, Musician, Writer, Poet, Designer, Theatre director, Stockbroker, Athlete, Film star, Trade union leader, Company director, Stunt person, Explorer, Teacher.

Lucky Numbers:

4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45 and 54.

Equivalent Western Sign:


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